パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2050 Tasted from an ex-château bottle at BI Wine & Spirits Calon-Segur dinner in London, the 2005 Calon Segur is on par with the wonderful 2000. The only real difference is that this needs more time in bottle. It has a captivating nose: blackberry and boysenberry fruit coming at you at full pelt; dried blood and bacon fat developing as secondary aromas just behind. There is fine delineation here - an underlying mineralité sure to surface with time. The palate is very intense and disarmingly youthful, almost ferrous on the entry with layers of ripe black fruit that segue into an earthy finish (with a curious light tang of Marmite on the aftertaste!). It is a fabulous Calon Ségur, though the millennial wine might ultimately possess greater precision. We will see. Tasted March 2015. (227, The Wine Advocate 29th Oct 2016)
Chateau Calon Segur
予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2050
Tasted from an ex-château bottle at BI Wine & Spirits Calon-Segur dinner in London, the 2005 Calon Segur is on par with the wonderful 2000. The only real difference is that this needs more time in bottle. It has a captivating nose: blackberry and boysenberry fruit coming at you at full pelt; dried blood and bacon fat developing as secondary aromas just behind. There is fine delineation here - an underlying mineralité sure to surface with time. The palate is very intense and disarmingly youthful, almost ferrous on the entry with layers of ripe black fruit that segue into an earthy finish (with a curious light tang of Marmite on the aftertaste!). It is a fabulous Calon Ségur, though the millennial wine might ultimately possess greater precision. We will see. Tasted March 2015.
(227, The Wine Advocate 29th Oct 2016)
シャトー カロン セギュール
Chateau Calon Segur
シャトー カロン セギュール 一覧へ
シャトー コス デストゥルネル レ パゴド ド コス 2015 2015 750ml 赤ワイン 辛口 フランス ボルドーサン テステフ Chateau Cos d'Estournel Les Pagodes de Cos|世界のワイン葡萄屋
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