【即納】BBR 1/18 フェラーリ 488 Pista Rosso Corsa Met P18145A1 ferrari 2001500101950 ミニカー モデルカー 送料無料|elife-plus
BBR 1/18 P18145A1 Ferrari 488 Pista Rosso Corsa Met with display case
Here is the "PISTA" !The most beautiful model of 2018.The model car collects 35 years of experience of BBR Exclusive Car Models in the resin field job, the quality of the painting, the total cleaning in the assembly.The details and the fidelity of the replica our DNA that accompanies us since 1984.This PISTA is really beautiful, the rear engine has been maniacally reproduced, like the interiors with the mats in real stainless steel.The dashboard with three different types of carbon decals. In this version it is replicated also the alcantara.A true piece of Italian art, not a simple collector's model, you can see all the serious and precise development work that has been done in our Saronno workshop in Italy. Color is metallic red Corsa.This 488 PISTA is packaged on an eco-leather base, written in stainless steel, Ferrari shield in steel.
Ferrari 488 Pista Rosso Corsa Met with display case
Here is the "PISTA" !The most beautiful model of 2018.The model car collects 35 years of experience of BBR Exclusive Car Models in the resin field job, the quality of the painting, the total cleaning in the assembly.The details and the fidelity of the replica our DNA that accompanies us since 1984.This PISTA is really beautiful, the rear engine has been maniacally reproduced, like the interiors with the mats in real stainless steel.The dashboard with three different types of carbon decals. In this version it is replicated also the alcantara.A true piece of Italian art, not a simple collector's model, you can see all the serious and precise development work that has been done in our Saronno workshop in Italy. Color is metallic red Corsa.This 488 PISTA is packaged on an eco-leather base, written in stainless steel, Ferrari shield in steel.
Limited 148 pieces
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