Under a gold dress with emerald reflections, yellowing with age, the bouquet of white wine of the name B・・tard-Montrachet suggests butter and hot croissant, fern, dried fruits, spices and honey, one can no longer distinguish the body and the bouquet, structure and harmony merge into a perfect unity. Unctuous and firm, dry and caressing, wrapped and deep, the name B・・tard-Montrachet has all the graces under an inflexible character. Varieties : Chardonnay Wine Score : 96/100 75cl
Domaine Lamy Criots-Batard-Montrachet 2011 / ドメーヌ ラミー クリオ バタール モンラッシェ 2011
Under a gold dress with emerald reflections, yellowing with age, the bouquet of white wine of the name B・・tard-Montrachet suggests butter and hot croissant, fern, dried fruits, spices and honey, one can no longer distinguish the body and the bouquet, structure and harmony merge into a perfect unity.
Unctuous and firm, dry and caressing, wrapped and deep, the name B・・tard-Montrachet has all the graces under an inflexible character.
Varieties : Chardonnay
Wine Score : 96/100
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ドメーヌ プリューレ ロック ニュイ サン ジョルジュ プルミエ クリュ [2015] 750ml 赤ワイン Domaine Prieure Roch Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru|WINE NATION 店
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