最新のデザインIndiscretion of an American Wife / Terminal Station (Criterion Collection) DVD 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
Indiscretion of an American Wife / Terminal Station (Criterion Collection) DVD 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: Indiscretion of an American Wife / Terminal Station (Criterion Collection) ◆現地発売日: 2003/08/19 ◆レーベル: Criterion Collection
※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更・確定前やイメージ画像となっている場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。 Drama which features both Vittorio de Sica's original, full-length cut of the film Terminal Station (Stazione Termini) and producer David O. Selznick's edited American version, Indiscretion of An American Wife. Jennifer Jones stars as an American housewife vacationing in Italy who reluctantly decides to put an end to her brief affair with an Italian academic, played by Montgomery Clift. She flees to Rome's Terminal Station, where she bids him farewell, but he begs her to stay. Severely re-edited by Selznick after disappointing previews this disc presents both versions of the controversial film. Actors: Jennifer Jones Special Features: Includes new digital transfers of both versions of both versions of the film; Exclusive audio commentary on Indiscretion by film scholar Leonard Leff (Hitchcock and Selznick: The Rich and Strange Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and David O. Selznick); Original theatrical trailer; Promotional materials. Year: 1953 Runtime: 161 minutes Original Language: English.
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Indiscretion of an American Wife / Terminal Station (Criterion Collection) DVD 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: Indiscretion of an American Wife / Terminal Station (Criterion Collection)
- 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて
- ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
◆現地発売日: 2003/08/19
◆レーベル: Criterion Collection
Drama which features both Vittorio de Sica's original, full-length cut of the film Terminal Station (Stazione Termini) and producer David O. Selznick's edited American version, Indiscretion of An American Wife. Jennifer Jones stars as an American housewife vacationing in Italy who reluctantly decides to put an end to her brief affair with an Italian academic, played by Montgomery Clift. She flees to Rome's Terminal Station, where she bids him farewell, but he begs her to stay. Severely re-edited by Selznick after disappointing previews this disc presents both versions of the controversial film. Actors: Jennifer Jones Special Features: Includes new digital transfers of both versions of both versions of the film; Exclusive audio commentary on Indiscretion by film scholar Leonard Leff (Hitchcock and Selznick: The Rich and Strange Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and David O. Selznick); Original theatrical trailer; Promotional materials. Year: 1953 Runtime: 161 minutes Original Language: English.
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