パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2035 The 2014 Echezeaux Grand Cru was picked on 24, 25 and 26 September at 27.8 hectoliters per hectare. It offers an expressive bouquet, more vivacious than the 2012 Echezeaux, with scents of black plum, raspberry preserve and subtle limestone aromas. It unfolds with confidence in the glass. The palate is surprisingly structured on the entry, perhaps with ambitions towards its elder brother, the Grands Echezeaux. There is a gentle, slightly leafy quality to this Grand Cru, perhaps more masculine and reserved than other vintages tasted just after bottling. The aftertaste feels long with a cheeky pinch of black pepper. Probably one of the most approachable 2014s from the domaine, and just as likely to be drunk too young! 1,443 cases produced. (229, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2017)
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2035
The 2014 Echezeaux Grand Cru was picked on 24, 25 and 26 September at 27.8 hectoliters per hectare. It offers an expressive bouquet, more vivacious than the 2012 Echezeaux, with scents of black plum, raspberry preserve and subtle limestone aromas. It unfolds with confidence in the glass. The palate is surprisingly structured on the entry, perhaps with ambitions towards its elder brother, the Grands Echezeaux. There is a gentle, slightly leafy quality to this Grand Cru, perhaps more masculine and reserved than other vintages tasted just after bottling. The aftertaste feels long with a cheeky pinch of black pepper. Probably one of the most approachable 2014s from the domaine, and just as likely to be drunk too young! 1,443 cases produced.
(229, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2017)
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