For two millennia, the vine is cultivated in terraces, held by stone walls on the steeply sloping Coteau, which produces the famous wines of Cote-Rotie, with exceptional aromas, they are fabulous and border on perfection. In 1946, ten hectares of the vineyard of the house J. Vidal-Fleury, founded in Ampuis in 1781, were bought by Etienne Guigal, Marcel Guigal, successor of Etienne, excellent winemaker, was quickly considered the greatest merchant-breeder of the Rhone Valley, l knew how to highlight these two great terroirs that are the Cote-Brune and the Cote-Blonde. La Turque is an ancient vineyard, wines that have strength and power, an intense and rich nose where aromas of blackcurrant, raspberry and blueberry dominate that marry with woody and roasted notes Varieties: Syrah Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Ermitage Ex-Voto Guigal 2003 / エルミタージュ エクス ヴォト ギガル 2003
For two millennia, the vine is cultivated in terraces, held by stone walls on the steeply sloping Coteau, which produces the famous wines of Cote-Rotie, with exceptional aromas, they are fabulous and border on perfection.
In 1946, ten hectares of the vineyard of the house J. Vidal-Fleury, founded in Ampuis in 1781, were bought by Etienne Guigal, Marcel Guigal, successor of Etienne, excellent winemaker, was quickly considered the greatest merchant-breeder of the Rhone Valley, l knew how to highlight these two great terroirs that are the Cote-Brune and the Cote-Blonde.
La Turque is an ancient vineyard, wines that have strength and power, an intense and rich nose where aromas of blackcurrant, raspberry and blueberry dominate that marry with woody and roasted notes
Varieties: Syrah
Wine Score : 95/100
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