パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:2003 - 2006 The 2002 Sauvignon Blanc is Araujo’s finest example of this cuvee yet produced. A personality-filled Sauvignon (about 4% Viognier is included), it offers knock-out aromatics of flint, citrus oils, and exotic tropical fruits. Well-delineated and medium-bodied, with good underlying acidity, it is meant to be consumed over the next several years. It is one of the finest domestic Sauvignon Blancs money can buy. (150, The Wine Advocate, 23rd Dec 2003)
Sauvignon Blanc
予想される飲み頃:2003 - 2006
The 2002 Sauvignon Blanc is Araujo’s finest example of this cuvee yet produced. A personality-filled Sauvignon (about 4% Viognier is included), it offers knock-out aromatics of flint, citrus oils, and exotic tropical fruits. Well-delineated and medium-bodied, with good underlying acidity, it is meant to be consumed over the next several years. It is one of the finest domestic Sauvignon Blancs money can buy.
(150, The Wine Advocate, 23rd Dec 2003)
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