ワインアドヴォケイト:(89-91) ポイント Rating (89-91) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 21st Jan 2022 Source January 2022 Week 3, The Wine Advocate A 35,000-bottle cuvee derived entirely from Faiveley's own holdings, the 2020 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes unwinds in the glass with aromas of red berries, cherries, loamy soil and spices. Medium to full-bodied, textural and seamless, it's concentrated and vibrant, with ripe tannins and a long, expansive finish. This is a real success.
Jerome Flous told me that he began harvest on August 19, and he was as pleased with the wines as he was taken aback by their vibrancy and saturated hues. It's a terrific set of wines for Faiveley, with lower alcohol and lower pHs than in 2019 but with incredible concentration and purity. Everything reviewed here comes warmly recommended.
vinous:(88-90) ポイント (88-90) Drinking Window 2023 - 2030 From: Dance the Quickstep: Burgundy 2020 (Dec 2021) The 2020 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes offers raspberry and crushed strawberry scents on the nose, darker fruit emerging with time. The palate is medium-bodied, quite smooth and silky, well judged acidity with fine poise on the finish. This is showing very well and will require just 2-3 years in bottle. - By Neal Martin on November 2021
“There are three important things with regard to the 2020 vintage,” winemaker Jerome Flous told me after we met and I completely failed to recognize him (he just seemed younger than I remembered). “The first is the date of picking. For Faiveley, it is the earliest date ever, starting on August 19, which is earlier than 2003. It was very dry during the season, with less than half the usual rain. Between July 15 and August 15, there was only 5mm. The other important factor is the gap between red and white in terms of volume. The Chardonnay produced 80% more than the Pinot Noir, 45hl/ha compared to 25hl/ha, with the same growing season and same flowering. How? Well, on May 18, we had flowering in very good conditions, which corresponds to the Chardonnay, but on May 23, it was wet, rainy and windy. It was like winter, and this disturbed the flowering for the Pinot Noir. If you then factor in the dryness, that explains the difference.” Pushed to expand upon his view of the growing season, Flous told me: “I like the 2020 because each terroir is expressed. It has the rusticity of 2014 with the richness of 2019, though it is not as big as that vintage. The alcohol levels are around 13.2° and 13.5°, less than 2019 with more acidity. We didn’t have to do any acidification or chaptalization.” I thought this was a very respectable set of wines from Faiveley that may show a little more elegance than the 2019s
「ジュヴレ・シャンべルタン ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ」は、深みのあるルビー。ラズベリー、カシス、ダークチェリーなど赤や黒い小さな木の実のアロマ。ほんのり香ばしいオークの香り。柔らかな果実味の中に溶け込んではいるものの、ジュヴレらしい小気味よいタンニン。
表面積:7ha 20a 28ca [17.8 エーカー]。
ドメーヌ・フェヴレ ジュヴレ・シャンべルタン ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:(89-91) ポイント
Rating (89-91) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 21st Jan 2022 Source January 2022 Week 3, The Wine Advocate
A 35,000-bottle cuvee derived entirely from Faiveley's own holdings, the 2020 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes unwinds in the glass with aromas of red berries, cherries, loamy soil and spices. Medium to full-bodied, textural and seamless, it's concentrated and vibrant, with ripe tannins and a long, expansive finish. This is a real success.
Jerome Flous told me that he began harvest on August 19, and he was as pleased with the wines as he was taken aback by their vibrancy and saturated hues. It's a terrific set of wines for Faiveley, with lower alcohol and lower pHs than in 2019 but with incredible concentration and purity. Everything reviewed here comes warmly recommended.
vinous:(88-90) ポイント
(88-90) Drinking Window 2023 - 2030 From: Dance the Quickstep: Burgundy 2020 (Dec 2021)
The 2020 Gevrey-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes offers raspberry and crushed strawberry scents on the nose, darker fruit emerging with time. The palate is medium-bodied, quite smooth and silky, well judged acidity with fine poise on the finish. This is showing very well and will require just 2-3 years in bottle. - By Neal Martin on November 2021
“There are three important things with regard to the 2020 vintage,” winemaker Jerome Flous told me after we met and I completely failed to recognize him (he just seemed younger than I remembered). “The first is the date of picking. For Faiveley, it is the earliest date ever, starting on August 19, which is earlier than 2003. It was very dry during the season, with less than half the usual rain. Between July 15 and August 15, there was only 5mm. The other important factor is the gap between red and white in terms of volume. The Chardonnay produced 80% more than the Pinot Noir, 45hl/ha compared to 25hl/ha, with the same growing season and same flowering. How? Well, on May 18, we had flowering in very good conditions, which corresponds to the Chardonnay, but on May 23, it was wet, rainy and windy. It was like winter, and this disturbed the flowering for the Pinot Noir. If you then factor in the dryness, that explains the difference.” Pushed to expand upon his view of the growing season, Flous told me: “I like the 2020 because each terroir is expressed. It has the rusticity of 2014 with the richness of 2019, though it is not as big as that vintage. The alcohol levels are around 13.2° and 13.5°, less than 2019 with more acidity. We didn’t have to do any acidification or chaptalization.” I thought this was a very respectable set of wines from Faiveley that may show a little more elegance than the 2019s
【送料無料】カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン アーティスト・シリーズ [2015] ウッドワード・キャニオン・ワイナリー <赤> <ワイン/アメリカ>|ワインショップ ミュズレ
ストーン・ヴァレー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン/アイアンストーン・ヴィンヤーズ 750ml×6本 (赤ワイン)|ワイン本舗 ヴァン・ヴィーノ
[4本まとめ買い] バリリン バルベーラ・ダルバ 2006年 カーサ・ヴィニコラ・ニコレッロ イタリア 赤ワイン フルボディ イタリアワイン ピエモンテ イタリア赤ワイン バルベーラ 750ml|Narlu
[2002] Syrah - Kusuda Winesシラー - クスダ・ワインズ|アサヒヤワインセラー
セルナ・インペリアル・グラン・レセルヴァ ボデガス・エスクデロ 2004年 スペイン ラ・リオハ 赤ワイン フルボディ 750ml【12本単位で送料無料】【ワインセット】【ワイン ギフト】【お酒】【クリスマス】|ワインショップソムリエ
1本当り564円(税別)送料無料 ペナソル ティント 1L 12本 Penasol Tinto スペイン 赤ワイン 辛口 1,000ml 長S|お酒の専門店 リカマン店
Amiot ServelleBourgogne Pinot Noir[2006]750mlブルゴーニュ・ピノ・ノワール[2006]750mlアミオ・セルヴェル Amiot Servelle|ワインとお宿 千歳
L'ArlotNuits St Georges Clos des Forets St Georges[2009]375mlニュイ・サン・ジョルジュ クロ・デ・フォレ・サン・ジョルジュ[2009]350mlラルロL'Arlot|ワインとお宿 千歳
ドメーヌ アラン ブリュモンシャトー モンテュス キュヴェ プレステージ 赤ワイン お歳暮 御歳暮 クリスマス ギフト|ワイン&ワインセラー セラー専科
ノッツォーレ キャンティ・クラシコ(ハーフ)赤 6本セット 1567円/本|FMJワインラヴズ
ボーヌ エプノット [2014] ポールレイツ [赤ワイン][フランス][ブルゴーニュ]|銘醸ワイン専門 CAVE de L NAOTAKA
ヴォルネイ プルミエ クリュ レ カイユレ 2004 ドメーヌ シャンドン ド ブリアイユ元詰 AOCヴォルネイ プルミエ クリュ 一級 自然派 フランスブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン ワイン 辛口 フルボディ 750ml (ヴォルネ レ カイユレ)|愛あるしんちゃんショップ
よりどり6本で送料無料[2006] バローロ ヴィニャ ド ラ ロウル 750ml ロッケ ディ マンゾーニ(ピエモンテ イタリア)赤ワイン コク辛口 ワイン ^FARMDRA6^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店