The 2009 Chevalier-Montrachet is all about seductiveness. It is one of the more subdued, classy wines in the lineup. Sweet, perfumed and cashmere-like on the palate, the Chevalier requires considerable attention from the taster, but it will repay that attention in spades. This is totally sublime and flat-out dazzling. Anticipated maturity: 2016+. (196, The Wine Advocate 31st Aug 2011)
Lucien Le Moine
Chevalier Montrachet
The 2009 Chevalier-Montrachet is all about seductiveness. It is one of the more subdued, classy wines in the lineup. Sweet, perfumed and cashmere-like on the palate, the Chevalier requires considerable attention from the taster, but it will repay that attention in spades. This is totally sublime and flat-out dazzling. Anticipated maturity: 2016+.
(196, The Wine Advocate 31st Aug 2011)
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