パーカーポイント: 98点 予想される飲み頃:2005 - 2012 The medium-to-dark ruby-colored 1997 Richebourg offers a luxurious nose of waxy cherries, plums, hoisin sauce, spices, and fresh herbs. Full-bodied, decadent, and luscious, it is an ample, richly strewn wine with superb structure. Waves of sweet, juicy cherries are interspersed with juniper berries, cloves, vanillin, leather, and raw meat. Projected maturity: 2005-2012+. (131, The Wine Advocate, 28th Oct 2000)
Domaine Leroy
予想される飲み頃:2005 - 2012
The medium-to-dark ruby-colored 1997 Richebourg offers a luxurious nose of waxy cherries, plums, hoisin sauce, spices, and fresh herbs. Full-bodied, decadent, and luscious, it is an ample, richly strewn wine with superb structure. Waves of sweet, juicy cherries are interspersed with juniper berries, cloves, vanillin, leather, and raw meat. Projected maturity: 2005-2012+.
(131, The Wine Advocate, 28th Oct 2000)
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