大きく開いて中身がみやすいジャバラタイプ。 中央にはカードが12枚収納できる仕切りポケット、ポーチ奥には重要な物が収納できるファスナー付ポケットがありファスナー付ポケットの前面にはメッシュポケット、後方には収納スペースがある。 さらに表面の裏側にもポケットがあり、本体裏側にはボタン式ポケットを付属。ポケットがたくさんあるので分類整理に最適。 トラベルシーン】 パスポート・航空チケット・マップなどの収納に。 通院シーン】お薬手帳・母子手帳・診察券などの収納に。 別売の専用ショルダーベルト(A-7709)を付けて肩掛けバッグとして使用できる。 サイズ(mm)】幅250×奥15×高170 専用ベルト】A7709(別売)が装着できます。 仕様】大きく開いて中身が見やすいジャバラタイプ 開閉】収容量に対応しやすい面ファスナー(マジックテープ) 使用シーン】トラベル、通院等 材質】本体/コットン・ポリエステル The bellows type that I greatly open, and the contents are easy to look at. There are the partition pocket which 12 pieces of cards can hold in the center, the fastener pocket which the article which is important in the porch depths can hold belonging to, and there is storage space a mesh pocket backward on the front of the fastener pocket belonging to. Furthermore, there is a pocket in the surface backside and is attached to the body backside with a button-type pocket. As there are a lot of pockets, it is most suitable for classification rearranging. [travel scene] In the storing such as a passport, the airline ticket map. [going to hospital scene] in the storing such as a medicine notebook, a maternity record book, the hospital card. I attach exclusive body seat belt (A-7709) sold separately and can use it as a shawl bag.
[size (mm)] width 250* depths 15* High School 170 [belt] can attach A7709 (separate sale). [specifications] The bellows type that I greatly open, and the contents are easy to look at [opening and shutting] Loop fastener (magic tape) which is easy to support quantity of accommodation [use scene] travel, going to hospital [materials] Body / cotton polyester
The bellows type that I greatly open, and the contents are easy to look at.
There are the partition pocket which 12 pieces of cards can hold in the center, the fastener pocket which the article which is important in the porch depths can hold belonging to, and there is storage space a mesh pocket backward on the front of the fastener pocket belonging to.
Furthermore, there is a pocket in the surface backside and is attached to the body backside with a button-type pocket. As there are a lot of pockets, it is most suitable for classification rearranging.
[travel scene]
In the storing such as a passport, the airline ticket map.
[going to hospital scene] in the storing such as a medicine notebook, a maternity record book, the hospital card.
I attach exclusive body seat belt (A-7709) sold separately and can use it as a shawl bag.
[size (mm)] width 250* depths 15* High School 170
[belt] can attach A7709 (separate sale).
[specifications] The bellows type that I greatly open, and the contents are easy to look at
[opening and shutting] Loop fastener (magic tape) which is easy to support quantity of accommodation
[use scene] travel, going to hospital
[materials] Body / cotton polyester
(まとめ)キョウリツサインテック MifareClassic EV1 1Kカード NUID IC06 1パック(100枚)【×3セット】 ds-2513906|激安!家電のタンタンショップ
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色:ホワイト 日本アイエスケイ 金庫 ホワイト 幅48奥行48.5高さ36.8cm 【日本製】 ゆとり収納 耐火金庫特殊マグネットロック式 KU-20MN|Fortuna Bell
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司化成工業 重梱包バンド用手動引締機 「ST型」 ST 1台|家具の夢屋
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【ポイント★5倍&スーパーSALE】 事務用断裁機 断裁力180枚 PC-B4PN|エムインテリア
【SALE価格】TRUSCO フリッパードアーキャビネット 1010X650XH890 引出付 FPD-3004A ( FPD3004A ) トラスコ中山(株)|配管材料プロ トキワ