パーカーポイント: 86点 予想される飲み頃:1991 - 2000 While this is undoubtedly a success for the vintage, among the first-growths I have a strong preference for Mouton-Rothschild, Lafite-Rothschild, and Haut-Brion. The 1987 Margaux exhibits a much more herbal note than one normally finds, but there is good richness, as well as a solid texture, suggesting concentration and depth. The wine is a bit narrow and compact in the finish, which leads me to believe that it will continue to evolve and open up. It should turn out to be nearly as good as the other so-called ``off'' years of Margaux during this decade, 1984 and 1980. Anticipated maturity: Now-2000. Last tasted, 1/91. (Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
▶ パヴィヨン・ルージュ・デュ・シャトー・マルゴー
▶ パヴィヨン・ブラン・デュ・シャトー・マルゴー
▶ シャトー・ラトゥール
▶ シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・オー・ブリオン
Chateau Margaux
予想される飲み頃:1991 - 2000
While this is undoubtedly a success for the vintage, among the first-growths I have a strong preference for Mouton-Rothschild, Lafite-Rothschild, and Haut-Brion. The 1987 Margaux exhibits a much more herbal note than one normally finds, but there is good richness, as well as a solid texture, suggesting concentration and depth. The wine is a bit narrow and compact in the finish, which leads me to believe that it will continue to evolve and open up. It should turn out to be nearly as good as the other so-called ``off'' years of Margaux during this decade, 1984 and 1980. Anticipated maturity: Now-2000. Last tasted, 1/91.
(Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
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