A characteristic: I am only attached to an empty plastic bottle and am usable as a pencil sharpener. As the shaves collect in a plastic bottle, it is very convenient. ※You knock over the plastic bottle with the shave, and please do not be stirred up. A shave may jump out. Product specifications: ◆I cope with correspondence ◆ standard-like plastic bottle tongue to the pencil of the stock size (8 millimeters in diameter) ◆Body size: 37.2*42.1*30.1mm ◆Body weight: Approximately 12.6 g
シャチハタ 削りキャップ ブルー ZKC-A1/H(70セット)
A characteristic:
I am only attached to an empty plastic bottle and am usable as a pencil sharpener. As the shaves collect in a plastic bottle, it is very convenient. ※You knock over the plastic bottle with the shave, and please do not be stirred up. A shave may jump out.
Product specifications:
◆I cope with correspondence ◆ standard-like plastic bottle tongue to the pencil of the stock size (8 millimeters in diameter)
◆Body size: 37.2*42.1*30.1mm
◆Body weight: Approximately 12.6 g
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