新品未使用のものになります。 15ml Year launched: 2010 Collection: Destinos Main Olfactory Family: Green Secondary Olfactory Family: Aromatic Perfume Chord: Tonic note: Sage Dominant note: Eucalyptus Sub Dominant: Oregano The fragrance after the rain, brought by the Pampero wind, erased the clouds and illuminated the infinite green prairie. Sir William Henry Hudson used to describe the Pampas by heart, his instinct is conveyed to us by this perfume. パンペロの風によってもたらされる雨上がりの香りは、雲を消し去り無限に続く緑色の大平原を輝かせる。ウィリアム・ヘンリー・ハドソン卿はかつて心でパンパを表現していた、彼の本能はこの香りにより私たちに伝えられた。
Year launched: 2010
Collection: Destinos
Main Olfactory Family: Green
Secondary Olfactory Family: Aromatic
Perfume Chord:
Tonic note: Sage
Dominant note: Eucalyptus
Sub Dominant: Oregano
The fragrance after the rain, brought by the Pampero wind, erased the clouds and illuminated the infinite green prairie. Sir William Henry Hudson used to describe the Pampas by heart, his instinct is conveyed to us by this perfume.
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