パーカーポイント: 93点 予想される飲み頃:2024 - 2040 The 2016 Meursault Village wafts from the glass with notes of crisp apple, pear, almond paste and lemon oil, displaying a pure bouquet that isn't marked by the reductive signatures of yesteryear. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, intense and incisive, with excellent concentration and a tangy line of acidity that lends the wine enormous length. Right now, it's youthfully tight-knit, but there's immense promise here. This note applies to a bottle from a cuv?e produced from the lieu-dit Les Chaumes that also contains some juice from La Barre. Rapha?l Coche told me that he produced three other cuv?es, one from Vireuils, another from Narvaux and a third assembling multiple parcels that together filled a press. As usual, the only way to know which bottling you possess is to ask the importer. (239, The Wine Advocate, 1st Nov 2018)
ムルソー 2016
この香りは、La Barreの畑でとれたぶどうジュースを混ぜたLes Chaumesの区画のワインにも当てはまります。
(2018年12月29日 ワインアドヴォケイト240号より)
Coche Dury
予想される飲み頃:2024 - 2040
The 2016 Meursault Village wafts from the glass with notes of crisp apple, pear, almond paste and lemon oil, displaying a pure bouquet that isn't marked by the reductive signatures of yesteryear. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, intense and incisive, with excellent concentration and a tangy line of acidity that lends the wine enormous length. Right now, it's youthfully tight-knit, but there's immense promise here. This note applies to a bottle from a cuv?e produced from the lieu-dit Les Chaumes that also contains some juice from La Barre. Rapha?l Coche told me that he produced three other cuv?es, one from Vireuils, another from Narvaux and a third assembling multiple parcels that together filled a press. As usual, the only way to know which bottling you possess is to ask the importer.
(239, The Wine Advocate, 1st Nov 2018)
コシュ デュリ
Coche Dury
ジャン・フランソワの慎重で厳格な管理のもと、6つのアペラシオン(ムルソー、ピュリニー・モンラッシェ、オクセー デュレス、モンテリー、ヴォルネイ)に広がる9haの極小区画の畑で、世界的に有名なワインが造られるようになったのです。
コシュ デュリ一覧へ
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