The 2014 Pape Clement Blanc was tasted three times during my tastings. In all three occasions, I felt that it has not quite delivered on that initial promise from barrel, missing the mineral tension of the finest white Bordeaux such as Domaine de Chevalier or Malartic-Lagravi?re Blanc. The palate is quite rounded on the entry and the new oak is more evident here, lending the texture an attractive creaminess, but filing away some of the tension and nervosit? on the finish. I can picture it having broad appeal, but I was hoping for more terroir expression. (Interim End of March 2017, The Wine Advocate)
Chateau Pape Clement Blanc
Chateau Pape Clement Blanc
The 2014 Pape Clement Blanc was tasted three times during my tastings. In all three occasions, I felt that it has not quite delivered on that initial promise from barrel, missing the mineral tension of the finest white Bordeaux such as Domaine de Chevalier or Malartic-Lagravi?re Blanc. The palate is quite rounded on the entry and the new oak is more evident here, lending the texture an attractive creaminess, but filing away some of the tension and nervosit? on the finish. I can picture it having broad appeal, but I was hoping for more terroir expression.
(Interim End of March 2017, The Wine Advocate)
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