●商品説明 Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity included&text=What's around the next bend What lies at the end of the trail When I walk an unfamiliar path, curiosity drives me on. The Forest Chapel portrays a daydream I've had many times: often while hiking some wooded trail I've come upon a spectacular flowering meadow and thought, ''What a wonderful place to worship God''. The idea of a chapel in an unspoiled natural setting has intrigued me for years.More InformationComprised of Thomas Kinkade's most sought after images, the Classics Collection is carefully reproduced on cotton fibre canvas using the methods and materials used by the artist on his original paintings. Elegantly framed with museum quality materials to coordinate with the most popular frame styles in the Thomas Kinkade Limited Edition canvas collection, each piece in the Classics Collection comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity.Features Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】夏Step by Step Potty PJ-951 [並行輸入品]|スカイマーケットプラス
アルボース オートディスペンサー(消毒用)セット 37407|Pro Tool Shop
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Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity included&text=What's around the next bend What lies at the end of the trail When I walk an unfamiliar path, curiosity drives me on. The Forest Chapel portrays a daydream I've had many times: often while hiking some wooded trail I've come upon a spectacular flowering meadow and thought, ''What a wonderful place to worship God''. The idea of a chapel in an unspoiled natural setting has intrigued me for years.More InformationComprised of Thomas Kinkade's most sought after images, the Classics Collection is carefully reproduced on cotton fibre canvas using the methods and materials used by the artist on his original paintings. Elegantly framed with museum quality materials to coordinate with the most popular frame styles in the Thomas Kinkade Limited Edition canvas collection, each piece in the Classics Collection comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity.Features Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
次の曲がった先に何があるのか 道の先には何があるのか 慣れない道を歩いていると、好奇心が私を突き動かします。森のチャペルは、私が何度も経験したことのある白昼夢を描いています。森の中の小道を歩いていると、しばしば花が咲き乱れる草原に出くわし、「神を崇拝するには素晴らしい場所だ」と思いました。詳細情報トーマス・キンケイドの最も人気のあるイメージで構成されたClassics Collectionは、綿繊維のキャンバスに、画家が原画で使用した方法と材料を使用して丁寧に再現されています。特徴ハードボードの上にプレミアムキャンバスの下地ハードウッドの額装とリネンのライナー、彫刻された真鍮の銘板スチール製の吊り下げワイヤー真正性の証明書付きアメリカ製。
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】夏Step by Step Potty PJ-951 [並行輸入品]|スカイマーケットプラス
アルボース オートディスペンサー(消毒用)セット 37407|Pro Tool Shop
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