ドメーヌ・デュック・ド・マジェンタ ピュリニー・モンラッシェ 1er クロ・ド・ラ・ガレンヌ (ルイ・ジャド) Domaine Duc de Magenta Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de La Garenne (Louis Jadot) 生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ボーヌ ピュリニー・モンラッシェ 原産地呼称:AOC. PULIGNY MONTRACHET ぶどう品種:シャルドネ 100% 味わい:白ワイン 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:92 ポイント Rating 92 Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2036 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 23rd Apr 2021 Source April 2021 Week 3, The Wine Advocate The 2018 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Garenne (Duc de Magenta) has turned out very well, bursting with aromas of pear, toasted almonds, pastry cream, white flowers and Meyer lemon. Medium to full-bodied, elegantly fleshy and enveloping, with an ample core of succulent fruit, lively acids and a nicely defined, gently oak-inflected finish, this will offer a broad drinking window.
In 2019, I reported on over 120 different 2018 Burgundies from Louis Jadot. As I wrote then, Jadot's Frederic Barnier was optimistic about the reds from the beginning, but, he said, "We worked hard with the white wines-blocking a lot of malolactic-to make them fresh and lively." Revisiting an extensive range from bottle in my office in the United States, I was gratified to find the wines just as consistent as they had shown in barrel. The accompanying tasting notes record my impressions in detail.
vinous:(92-94) ポイント (92-94) Drinking Window 2022 - 2040 From: 2018 Burgundy: Confounded Expectations (Jan 2020) The 2018 Puligny-Montrachet Clos de la Garenne 1er Cru has an impressive bouquet of green apples, fresh pear and touches of petrichor, developing light walnut aromas so that it becomes almost Meursault-like. The palate is taut and fresh with a menthol undercurrent, and quite concentrated, displaying good definition and a palpable sense of energy toward the finish. This is excellent. - By Neal Martin on November 2019
ワイナート 魅惑のブルゴーニュより抜粋
■Domaine des Heritiers Louis Jadot
■Domaine Louis Jadot
「ピュリニー・モンラッシェ 1er クロ・ド・ラ・ガレンヌ」は、「ラ・ガレンヌ」は、「ウサギの生息地」という意味の名を持つこの畑で、プルミエ・クリュ・フォラティエールの北にあり、ピュリニ・モンラッシェにおける標高325~350メートルの最斜面の上部に位置しており、ブドウの樹齢はとても高くなっています。ここから生まれるワインは、きりりと引き締まった性格を持つと言われています。畑には石灰岩の小石がたくさん転がっており、砂利が多い土質で表土が薄く、直下に母岩があります。これがワインに特別なミネラル感を与えます。
ドメーヌ・デュック・ド・マジェンタ ピュリニー・モンラッシェ 1er クロ・ド・ラ・ガレンヌ (ルイ・ジャド)
Domaine Duc de Magenta Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de La Garenne (Louis Jadot)
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ボーヌ ピュリニー・モンラッシェ
ぶどう品種:シャルドネ 100%
味わい:白ワイン 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:92 ポイント
Rating 92 Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2036 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 23rd Apr 2021 Source April 2021 Week 3, The Wine Advocate
The 2018 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos de la Garenne (Duc de Magenta) has turned out very well, bursting with aromas of pear, toasted almonds, pastry cream, white flowers and Meyer lemon. Medium to full-bodied, elegantly fleshy and enveloping, with an ample core of succulent fruit, lively acids and a nicely defined, gently oak-inflected finish, this will offer a broad drinking window.
In 2019, I reported on over 120 different 2018 Burgundies from Louis Jadot. As I wrote then, Jadot's Frederic Barnier was optimistic about the reds from the beginning, but, he said, "We worked hard with the white wines-blocking a lot of malolactic-to make them fresh and lively." Revisiting an extensive range from bottle in my office in the United States, I was gratified to find the wines just as consistent as they had shown in barrel. The accompanying tasting notes record my impressions in detail.
vinous:(92-94) ポイント
(92-94) Drinking Window 2022 - 2040 From: 2018 Burgundy: Confounded Expectations (Jan 2020)
The 2018 Puligny-Montrachet Clos de la Garenne 1er Cru has an impressive bouquet of green apples, fresh pear and touches of petrichor, developing light walnut aromas so that it becomes almost Meursault-like. The palate is taut and fresh with a menthol undercurrent, and quite concentrated, displaying good definition and a palpable sense of energy toward the finish. This is excellent. - By Neal Martin on November 2019
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