Grape Variety 100% shiraz grapes from pre-phylloxera material brought from Europe by the early settlers in the mid-1800s and grown on the Hill of Grace vineyard in the Eden Valley.
Technical Details Harvest Data:26 March-2 April、 Alcohl:14.5%、 ph:3.55、 Acidity:5.96g/L Maturation Matured in 78% French and 22% American hogsheads for 21 months prior to blending and bottling.
Vintage Description The 2009 vintage was preceded by another cold,drought winter,with 399mm rainfall in Eden Valley for the year(a good year would see 500mm).It was the coldest August since 1951.Spring had a few heat spikes up into the mid to high 30s,some frost damage inlow-lying areas,but very little rain during Seputmber and October.In fact,it was the driest September for 30 years and the driest October on record.Staggered flowering resulted from cool weather which reduced the fruit set.Some varieties were also pruned back hard ti just a few spurs to allow them to survive with no water.Rain arrived in mid-December with around 65mm recorded,making it the wettest month of the whole year.The cool southerlies continued through into the new year,reminiscent of 2005.December didn't record any days over 32C.January tended warm to hot with a couple of heat spikes into the high 30s and low 40s.Late January brought a record six days over 40c,not seen since 1908,causing vine stress,exacerbated by drought conditions and empty dams,followed by another week of hot weather culminating in a 46C day on Black Saturday on February 7.Fortunately into autumn mode.A strong change brought a general rain across the state with 10-20mm in early March,which helped with ripening and flavour development.The Indian summer in late March brought ripening forward with all the whites finished and in the whnery by early April.
HENSCHKE“Hill of Grace”Eden Valley [2009] Wooden Box
【箱入】ヘンチキ“ヒル オブ グレース”エデン ヴァレー ヴィンテージ[2009]年 平均樹齢148年(1860年代に植樹)のプレ フィロキセラのシラーズ100% ホッグスヘッドのオーク樽で21ヶ月熟成 手摘み100% パーカーポイント驚異97+点獲得ワイン 正規代理店輸入品 収穫日3月26日~4月2日
■ 品種:シラーズ100%
■ 植樹:1860年
■ 熟成:ホッグスヘッドの新樽100%で21ヶ月間
ヒル・オブ・グレースは唯一無比の歴史的な畑です。樹齢100年以上(130~150年)を誇る有名な古木 は、1860年に、ワイナリーのちょうど北西にある肥沃な渓谷の浅瀬にある沖積層の土壌にぶどう栽培主ニコラウス・スタニツキによって植えられました。畑は美しい石造りの古い教会に向かって広がり、この場所が“ヒル・オブ・グレース”(神の恵みの丘)と呼ばれています。
Grape Variety 100% shiraz grapes from pre-phylloxera material brought from Europe by the early settlers in the mid-1800s and grown on the Hill of Grace vineyard in the Eden Valley.
Technical Details Harvest Data:26 March-2 April、 Alcohl:14.5%、 ph:3.55、 Acidity:5.96g/L
Maturation Matured in 78% French and 22% American hogsheads for 21 months prior to blending and bottling.
Vintage Description The 2009 vintage was preceded by another cold,drought winter,with 399mm rainfall in Eden Valley for the year(a good year would see 500mm).It was the coldest August since 1951.Spring had a few heat spikes up into the mid to high 30s,some frost damage inlow-lying areas,but very little rain during Seputmber and October.In fact,it was the driest September for 30 years and the driest October on record.Staggered flowering resulted from cool weather which reduced the fruit set.Some varieties were also pruned back hard ti just a few spurs to allow them to survive with no water.Rain arrived in mid-December with around 65mm recorded,making it the wettest month of the whole year.The cool southerlies continued through into the new year,reminiscent of 2005.December didn't record any days over 32C.January tended warm to hot with a couple of heat spikes into the high 30s and low 40s.Late January brought a record six days over 40c,not seen since 1908,causing vine stress,exacerbated by drought conditions and empty dams,followed by another week of hot weather culminating in a 46C day on Black Saturday on February 7.Fortunately into autumn mode.A strong change brought a general rain across the state with 10-20mm in early March,which helped with ripening and flavour development.The Indian summer in late March brought ripening forward with all the whites finished and in the whnery by early April.
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