パーカーポイント: (92 - 94)+点 予想される飲み頃:NA Aromas of dark wild berries, raspberries, smoked meats, rich soil tones and espresso roast introduce the 2018 Mazy-Chambertin Grand Cru, a full-bodied, lavishly textural wine that's more structured and muscular than the Charmes-Chambertin that preceded it, built around livelier acids and concluding with a longer finish. If the Charmes is more extroverted, the Mazy is deeper and more serious, built for the cellar. (January 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 10th Jan 2020)
Armand Rousseau
Mazis Chambertin
Aromas of dark wild berries, raspberries, smoked meats, rich soil tones and espresso roast introduce the 2018 Mazy-Chambertin Grand Cru, a full-bodied, lavishly textural wine that's more structured and muscular than the Charmes-Chambertin that preceded it, built around livelier acids and concluding with a longer finish. If the Charmes is more extroverted, the Mazy is deeper and more serious, built for the cellar.
(January 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 10th Jan 2020)
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