売れ筋通販人気Château Haut-Brion 1949 /シャトー・オーブリオン 1949|Fine and Rare
Ch・・teau Haut-Brion 1949 /シャトー・オーブリオン 1949
Ch・・teau Haut-Brion is the oldest of Bordeaux's five first growths, The vineyards were established in the 1530s by the Pontac family, changing hands several times throughout the ensuing centuries, The estate was acquired by American Francophile Clarence Dillon in 1935 and has been managed by the family since. The cultivation of vines on the land of Haut-Brion dates back to the 1st century AD and was established by a Celtic tribe from northern Gaul, the Vivisques Bituriges. This culture seems to be a lasting success because toponymy and analysis of medieval manuscripts agree to reveal to us that, from ancient times, men had the intuition of the wine value of the bass of Haut-Brion.
Ch・・teau Haut-Brion 1949 /シャトー・オーブリオン 1949
Ch・・teau Haut-Brion is the oldest of Bordeaux's five first growths, The vineyards were established in the 1530s by the Pontac family, changing hands several times throughout the ensuing centuries, The estate was acquired by American Francophile Clarence Dillon in 1935 and has been managed by the family since.
The cultivation of vines on the land of Haut-Brion dates back to the 1st century AD and was established by a Celtic tribe from northern Gaul, the Vivisques Bituriges. This culture seems to be a lasting success because toponymy and analysis of medieval manuscripts agree to reveal to us that, from ancient times, men had the intuition of the wine value of the bass of Haut-Brion.
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