ヴィノス: 98点 予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2036 Powerful and explosive in the glass, the 2006 Extra-Brut Millesime Grand Cru brings together the natural ripeness of the year with tons of supporting structure. Readers will have to be patient with the 2006, as it is likely to require a number of years to fully come together. Today, it is dense, tightly wound and quite reticent. Even so, the wine’s potential is evident. The 2006 is also the last vintage overseen directly by Anselme Selosse, who has made this wine as a 50/50 blend of Chardonnay from Les Chantereines and Malandries du Midi since 1975. Going forward, the vintage wine has been entrusted to Guillaume Selosse, who has decided to craft a blend that incorporates both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Disgorged February 6, 2018. (Vinous, March 2018)
Jacques Selosse
予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2036
Powerful and explosive in the glass, the 2006 Extra-Brut Millesime Grand Cru brings together the natural ripeness of the year with tons of supporting structure. Readers will have to be patient with the 2006, as it is likely to require a number of years to fully come together. Today, it is dense, tightly wound and quite reticent. Even so, the wine’s potential is evident. The 2006 is also the last vintage overseen directly by Anselme Selosse, who has made this wine as a 50/50 blend of Chardonnay from Les Chantereines and Malandries du Midi since 1975. Going forward, the vintage wine has been entrusted to Guillaume Selosse, who has decided to craft a blend that incorporates both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Disgorged February 6, 2018.
(Vinous, March 2018)
ジャック セロス
Jacques Selosse
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