レ マイヨン ブラン ド ノワール Ulysse Collin Les Maillons Blanc de Noirs 力強いピノ・ノワールをしなやかに表現 2004年から耕作するバルボンヌ・ファイエル村のレ・マイヨンという区画のピノ・ノワールのみで仕込んでいるキュヴェ。レ・マイヨンはシャンパンでは珍しい、遅摘みするブドウの糖度が高く、しっかりした酸で枠組みを造り、バランスをとります。クジャクが羽を広げたように、プラムやリンゴの皮の香りがふわりと羽ばたきます。
ユリス コラン Ulysse Collin
レ マイヨン ブラン ド ノワール Les Maillons Blanc de Noirs
パーカーポイント: 98点 予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2035 Disgorged in March 2019 with 2.4 grams per liter dosage after 36 months sur lattes, the extraordinary NV Extra Brut Blanc de Noirs Les Maillons (2015) is based on the 2015 vintage with the addition of fully 60% reserve wines from 2014. Unfurling in the glass with aromas of honeycomb, minty yellow orchard fruit, dried white flowers and almond paste, it's full-bodied, broad and vinous, with incredible depth and dimension at the core, a racy spine of tangy acidity that belies the base vintage, and a long, searingly intense finish. This is a remarkably complete and concentrated rendition of Les Maillons, but it's also among the most elegant and vibrant that Olivier Collin has produced to date. While my expectation are always high when opening bottles from this producer, they were nonetheless transcended by this new release. (Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate, 31st Aug 2019)
Ulysse Collin
レ マイヨン ブラン ド ノワール
Ulysse Collin Les Maillons Blanc de Noirs
Ulysse Collin
Les Maillons Blanc de Noirs
予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2035
Disgorged in March 2019 with 2.4 grams per liter dosage after 36 months sur lattes, the extraordinary NV Extra Brut Blanc de Noirs Les Maillons (2015) is based on the 2015 vintage with the addition of fully 60% reserve wines from 2014. Unfurling in the glass with aromas of honeycomb, minty yellow orchard fruit, dried white flowers and almond paste, it's full-bodied, broad and vinous, with incredible depth and dimension at the core, a racy spine of tangy acidity that belies the base vintage, and a long, searingly intense finish. This is a remarkably complete and concentrated rendition of Les Maillons, but it's also among the most elegant and vibrant that Olivier Collin has produced to date. While my expectation are always high when opening bottles from this producer, they were nonetheless transcended by this new release.
(Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate, 31st Aug 2019)
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