Chablis is a dry white wine, marked by its grape variety, chardonnay, called "beaunnois" in Chablis, and by its terroir, kimm・・ridgian limestone and a cooler climate than the rest of Burgundy. The old vines are made from vines more than thirty-five or fifty years old, which produce more concentrated grapes. It is a more powerful and complex wine than generic chablis, it is round and rather fruity, with aromas of honey and spices, long in the mouth. It is a wine of guard. Varieties: Chardonnay Wine Score : 93/100 75cl
Domaine Francois Raveneau Montee de Tonnerre 2008 / ドメーヌ フランソワ ラヴノー モンテ ド トネル 2008
Chablis is a dry white wine, marked by its grape variety, chardonnay, called "beaunnois" in Chablis, and by its terroir, kimm・・ridgian limestone and a cooler climate than the rest of Burgundy.
The old vines are made from vines more than thirty-five or fifty years old, which produce more concentrated grapes. It is a more powerful and complex wine than generic chablis, it is round and rather fruity, with aromas of honey and spices, long in the mouth. It is a wine of guard.
Varieties: Chardonnay
Wine Score : 93/100
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