Fermented in stainless steel, the very bright, almost white colored 2016 Riesling Scharzhof has a clear and bright bouquet that needs a bit of time to develop. The wine is racy-piquant and pure on the palate and tastes almost dry. It has the typical finesse and grip and is still green when served fresh from the bottle, but it’s archetypical Saar Riesling, specifically Scharzhof Riesling. AP #1, tasted March 2018. (236, The Wine Advocate 27th Apr 2018)
▶ エゴン・ミュラー シャルツホーフベルガー アウスレーゼ
▶ エゴン・ミュラー シャルツホーフベルガー カビネット
▶ エゴン・ミュラー シャルツホーフベルガー アイスヴァイン
▶ エゴン・ミュラー QBA
▶ エゴン・ミュラー ヴィルティンガー ブラウネクップ シュペートレーゼ
Egon Muller
Scharzhof Riesling QbA
予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2036
Fermented in stainless steel, the very bright, almost white colored 2016 Riesling Scharzhof has a clear and bright bouquet that needs a bit of time to develop. The wine is racy-piquant and pure on the palate and tastes almost dry. It has the typical finesse and grip and is still green when served fresh from the bottle, but it’s archetypical Saar Riesling, specifically Scharzhof Riesling. AP #1, tasted March 2018.
(236, The Wine Advocate 27th Apr 2018)
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