【新品本物】ルロワ ドメーヌ ルロワ クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 2015 Domaine Leroy Clos de la Roche フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン[のこり1本]|ロマネ ROMANEE
ドメーヌ ルロワ Domaine Leroy
クロ ド ラ ロッシュ Clos de la Roche
パーカーポイント: 96+点 予想される飲み頃:2027 - 2065 Like the Clos de Vougeot, the 2015 Clos de la Roche Grand Cru from Domaine Leroy is built for the ages, opening in the glass with a bouquet of red-black berries, cherries, wood smoke, pencil shavings and incipient suggestions of soil. On the palate, the wine is full-bodied and firm, with an ample and assertive chassis of chalky tannins, formidable power and concentration, with a long, grippy finish. This is cut from very different cloth than the Musigny that preceded it in our tasting, but it is taut rather than hard: the only missing ingredient is time. (Interim End of March 2018, The Wine Advocate, 30th Mar 2018)
Domaine Leroy
Clos de la Roche
予想される飲み頃:2027 - 2065
Like the Clos de Vougeot, the 2015 Clos de la Roche Grand Cru from Domaine Leroy is built for the ages, opening in the glass with a bouquet of red-black berries, cherries, wood smoke, pencil shavings and incipient suggestions of soil. On the palate, the wine is full-bodied and firm, with an ample and assertive chassis of chalky tannins, formidable power and concentration, with a long, grippy finish. This is cut from very different cloth than the Musigny that preceded it in our tasting, but it is taut rather than hard: the only missing ingredient is time.
(Interim End of March 2018, The Wine Advocate, 30th Mar 2018)
ドメーヌ ルロワ一覧へ
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