人気激安ルーウィン エステート アートシリーズ シャルドネ 2008 Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay オーストラリア 白ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
ルーウィン・エステート Leeuwin Estate
アートシリーズ・シャルドネ Art Series Chardonnay
パーカーポイント:93点 予想される飲み頃:2016-2020
The 2008 Chardonnay Art Series shows signs of maturing fruit and a nice meatiness, with marmite and earth hints over core of apple tart and beeswax, as well as honeyed toast. Medium-bodied and elegant in the mature mouth, it appears to have "peaked" but should still hold-up over the next few years. (223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
Leeuwin Estate
Art Series Chardonnay
The 2008 Chardonnay Art Series shows signs of maturing fruit and a nice meatiness, with marmite and earth hints over core of apple tart and beeswax, as well as honeyed toast. Medium-bodied and elegant in the mature mouth, it appears to have "peaked" but should still hold-up over the next few years.
(223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
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