パーカーポイント: 87点 予想される飲み頃:1990 - 2008 This is a surprisingly good wine made under very trying conditions. Yquem began to harvest on October 15 and made the last pass through the vineyards on November 13. Seventy-five percent of the crop was retained for Yquem. The wine at present exhibits a great deal of toasty oak in the bouquet, which is also filled with scents of smoked almonds, glazed pineapples, and honey and caramel. In the mouth, the wine is less flamboyant, with less glycerin and power than usual, but it is still a rich, full-bodied Yquem with a great deal of personality and character. It will not have the great aging potential of the top vintages, but I fully expect it to last at least another 20 years. Anticipated maturity: Now-2008. Last tasted, 3/90. (Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
Chateau d'Yquem
予想される飲み頃:1990 - 2008
This is a surprisingly good wine made under very trying conditions. Yquem began to harvest on October 15 and made the last pass through the vineyards on November 13. Seventy-five percent of the crop was retained for Yquem. The wine at present exhibits a great deal of toasty oak in the bouquet, which is also filled with scents of smoked almonds, glazed pineapples, and honey and caramel. In the mouth, the wine is less flamboyant, with less glycerin and power than usual, but it is still a rich, full-bodied Yquem with a great deal of personality and character. It will not have the great aging potential of the top vintages, but I fully expect it to last at least another 20 years. Anticipated maturity: Now-2008. Last tasted, 3/90.
(Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
シャトー ディケム
Chateau d'Yquem
シャトー・ディケムは、世界で最も有名な甘口ワインであり、間違いなく最高級のワインです。完全に貴腐化した果実のみが収穫され、収量は非常に少なく、1本のブドウの木からはグラス1杯分のワインしか生産されません。 驚くほどの複雑さ、豊かさ、エキゾチックな風味があり、50年以上の熟成の可能性を持つグレートヴィンテージも存在します。
シャトー ディケム一覧へ
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