ワインアドヴォケイト:94+ ポイント Rating 94+ Release Price NA Drink Date 2025 - 2045 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 15th Jan 2021 Source January 2021 Week 2, The Wine Advocate The 2018 Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Blanchots Dessus has turned out superbly, opening in the glass with aromas of crisp orchard fruit, white flowers, toasted almonds, iodine and mandarin oil. Medium to full-bodied, layered and multidimensional, it's deep and precise, with terrific texture and mid-palate amplitude, concluding with a long, mineral finish. Reputations, once formed, are hard to shake, and one of my recurring professional challenges is to attempt to change them. Times passes, personnel move on, and approaches evolve; but stereotypes persist. So all I can do is repeat that the wines produced under the Vincent Girardin label today are superb and that I'm happy to have some in my own cellar. Readers will remember the history: Vincent Girardin debuted as a winemaker in 1982, creating his negociant maison in 1990 with his family domaine holdings at its core, distinguished by insisting on purchasing grapes as opposed to must or finished wines. When Girardin's expanding holdings became too much to handle, Eric Germain-brother of Jean-Fran?ois Germain, who presides over Meursault reference-point Domaine Henri Germain-was brought in to supervise winemaking in 2002. Germain, as he puts it, harbored the ambition "to make not merely good wine but instead great wine," and also wines that could age. He presided over a wholesale change in winemaking practices that has continued to progress since the maison's purchase by the Compagnie des Vins d’Autrefois in 2011. Wines that were once oaky and somewhat exaggerated are now taut, incisive and beautifully differentiated by site. There's much more attention to detail in the vineyards-fully 21 hectares of which are now owned-and they are increasingly being converted to biodynamic farming. elevage is longer. And Germain uses much less new oak and little b?tonnage. So, this is now a very serious source for high-quality white Burgundy, and the reflex to dismiss this producer as "commercial" is entirely misplaced. While the fact that Germain enjoyed considerable success in 2017 is almost to be expected, the true measure of the quality of what is being done here is the success of the 2018s: seamless, structured and complete, they display all of the year's merits and none of its weaknesses. Everything reviewed here therefore comes warmly recommended.
現在、エリック ジェルマン(エノログ)とマルコ カスケーラ(輸出・販売担当)を中心に運営しています。エリックはヴァンサン ジラルダンの醸造責任者であり、ワイン造りの全てに関わっているキーパーソン。ムルソー生まれのムルソー育ちです。マルコはリヨン出身で、輸出とフランス国内の販売すべてを担当しています。
「理想は、昔の人々の畑仕事 + 近代設備のワイナリー」
エリックはワイン造りの新しいヴィジョンや、アプローチをもたらしました。具体的には「伝統的なワイン造り」という事です。例えば、以前のヴァンサン ジラルダンのワインは非常にリッチで、樽香の強いワインでした。それに対してエリックがもたらした新しいスタイルは、ピュアで、エレガントで、より複雑味のあるワイン。ヴァンサン ジラルダン本人がワイン造りをしていた時代よりも、新樽の比率を極端に減らしています。そして同時に、熟成期間を長くしました。これまで短くて10~12ヶ月だった熟成期間を、冬を2つ越すほど(約18ヶ月)に長くしました。同じ時期に2つのヴィンテージ分を樽で熟成する訳ですから、もちろん樽の数も今までの倍必要となり、実はこの作業はとてもお金が掛かります。そのため、最初の数年間はとても投資にお金が掛かりました。しかし、エリックがもたらした新しいヴィジョンを実現させるためには必要不可欠な決断だったのです。
1982年、ヴァンサン ジラルダンは親から相続した2haの畑と共に自らのワイン造りをスタートさせました。そして彼はすぐに成功を収めます。しかし、当時ヴァンサンは20代前半と非常に若かったため、生産量を増やしたくとも畑を購入する資金が十分にありませんでした。とはいえ、生産量を増やすためだけに、様々な区画の葡萄がブレンドされたワインを買い付ける事は好みませんでした。なぜならば、自分が好むスタイルのワイン造りを貫きたいと考えたからです。
ヒュー ジョンソン「ポケット ワイン ブック2019」で赤★★→★★★、『ムルソーに本拠とする白のスペシャリスト』と掲載。
「ワイン&スピリッツ」の「TOP 100 WINERIES OF 2019」に選出。
ワインアドヴォケイト:94+ ポイント
Rating 94+ Release Price NA Drink Date 2025 - 2045 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 15th Jan 2021 Source January 2021 Week 2, The Wine Advocate
The 2018 Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Blanchots Dessus has turned out superbly, opening in the glass with aromas of crisp orchard fruit, white flowers, toasted almonds, iodine and mandarin oil. Medium to full-bodied, layered and multidimensional, it's deep and precise, with terrific texture and mid-palate amplitude, concluding with a long, mineral finish.
Reputations, once formed, are hard to shake, and one of my recurring professional challenges is to attempt to change them. Times passes, personnel move on, and approaches evolve; but stereotypes persist. So all I can do is repeat that the wines produced under the Vincent Girardin label today are superb and that I'm happy to have some in my own cellar. Readers will remember the history: Vincent Girardin debuted as a winemaker in 1982, creating his negociant maison in 1990 with his family domaine holdings at its core, distinguished by insisting on purchasing grapes as opposed to must or finished wines. When Girardin's expanding holdings became too much to handle, Eric Germain-brother of Jean-Fran?ois Germain, who presides over Meursault reference-point Domaine Henri Germain-was brought in to supervise winemaking in 2002.
Germain, as he puts it, harbored the ambition "to make not merely good wine but instead great wine," and also wines that could age. He presided over a wholesale change in winemaking practices that has continued to progress since the maison's purchase by the Compagnie des Vins d’Autrefois in 2011. Wines that were once oaky and somewhat exaggerated are now taut, incisive and beautifully differentiated by site. There's much more attention to detail in the vineyards-fully 21 hectares of which are now owned-and they are increasingly being converted to biodynamic farming. elevage is longer. And Germain uses much less new oak and little b?tonnage. So, this is now a very serious source for high-quality white Burgundy, and the reflex to dismiss this producer as "commercial" is entirely misplaced. While the fact that Germain enjoyed considerable success in 2017 is almost to be expected, the true measure of the quality of what is being done here is the success of the 2018s: seamless, structured and complete, they display all of the year's merits and none of its weaknesses. Everything reviewed here therefore comes warmly recommended.
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