The 2010 Corton comes across as a bit light in this vintage. Attractive floral, spiced notes emerge from the glass in this perfumed, delicate wine. The Corton is pretty, but it is a clear notch or two below the rest of the wines in the lineup and is equally distant from the level of the thrilling 2009. The Corton is made in two vinifications, an old-vine cuvee and a young-vine cuvee. This blend was assembled about a week before I tasted it. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2030. (199, The Wine Advocate, 23rd Dec 2011)
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2030
The 2010 Corton comes across as a bit light in this vintage. Attractive floral, spiced notes emerge from the glass in this perfumed, delicate wine. The Corton is pretty, but it is a clear notch or two below the rest of the wines in the lineup and is equally distant from the level of the thrilling 2009. The Corton is made in two vinifications, an old-vine cuvee and a young-vine cuvee. This blend was assembled about a week before I tasted it. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2030.
(199, The Wine Advocate, 23rd Dec 2011)
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シャルル ノエラ リシュブール 1981 750ml Charles Noellat 同梱不可【Q1】【中古】|ストックラボ
Sylvain Cathiard Aux Reignots 2018 / シルヴァン カティアール オー レニョ 2018|Fine and Rare
ギガル エルミタージュ ルージュ エクス ヴォト 2015 赤ワイン フランス E.Guigal HERMITAGE EX VOTO ROUGE 赤 ローヌ 750ml パーカーポイント96点 ワイン 贈り物 ギフト 誕生日 プレゼント|ワイン輸入直販 WINE TRUSTY
ラ スピネッタ ヴィニェート スタルデリ バルバレスコ 2017 750ml イタリア ピエモンテ 赤ワイン La Spinetta Vursu Vigneto Starderi Barbaresco 2017|the House of Otium