早い者勝ちChâteau Margaux 1960/シャトー・マルゴー 1960|Fine and Rare
Ch・・teau Margaux 1960/シャトー・マルゴー 1960
パーカーポイント 92点!
The first traces of the ch・・teau date back to the 13th century with the mentioning of a fortress called Ch・・teau de La Mothe Margaux. It was marquis Douat de La Colonilla who brought new life to the ch・・teau and filled the canals and moats. The current ch・・teau is in Palladian style and was built between 1810 and 1816. It is the most important example of neoclassical architecture in Bordeaux region and has been classified as a historical monument since 1946. Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot.
Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。 また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。 不良や異常のある場合は商品のお届けから8日以内にFine and Rareまでお知らせくださいませ。 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Ch・・teaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines, Fine and Rare must be notified of any defects or irregularities no later than 8 days after the collection of the receipt of the goods.
Ch・・teau Margaux 1960/シャトー・マルゴー 1960
パーカーポイント 92点!
The first traces of the ch・・teau date back to the 13th century with the mentioning of a fortress called Ch・・teau de La Mothe Margaux. It was marquis Douat de La Colonilla who brought new life to the ch・・teau and filled the canals and moats.
The current ch・・teau is in Palladian style and was built between 1810 and 1816. It is the most important example of neoclassical architecture in Bordeaux region and has been classified as a historical monument since 1946.
Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot.
Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。
不良や異常のある場合は商品のお届けから8日以内にFine and Rareまでお知らせくださいませ。
Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Ch・・teaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines, Fine and Rare must be notified of any defects or irregularities no later than 8 days after the collection of the receipt of the goods.
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Château Margaux 1960/シャトー・マルゴー 1960|Fine and Rare
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