Tasted at the ch?teau, the 1986 Lafite-Rothschild continues to offer an exquisite bouquet at 30 years of age. This is beautifully defined, still full of energy, with copious blackberry, clove, leather and graphite aromas that seem to gain momentum in the glass. The palate is extremely well balanced with a crystalline quality, filigree tannin, perfectly pitched acidity, a quintessential Lafite-Rothschild with a sense of energy and focus undiminished by time. This finish displays immense purity and refinement, one of the most mineral-driven Lafites that I have encountered, whilst the aftertaste seems to linger for over one minute. It must rank as one of the finest wines from the estate. Tasted July 2016. (228, The Wine Advocate, 31st Dec 2016)
▶ シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト マグナム
▶ カリュアド・ド・ラフィット・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・マルゴー
▶ シャトー・オー・ブリオン
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2046
Tasted at the ch?teau, the 1986 Lafite-Rothschild continues to offer an exquisite bouquet at 30 years of age. This is beautifully defined, still full of energy, with copious blackberry, clove, leather and graphite aromas that seem to gain momentum in the glass. The palate is extremely well balanced with a crystalline quality, filigree tannin, perfectly pitched acidity, a quintessential Lafite-Rothschild with a sense of energy and focus undiminished by time. This finish displays immense purity and refinement, one of the most mineral-driven Lafites that I have encountered, whilst the aftertaste seems to linger for over one minute. It must rank as one of the finest wines from the estate. Tasted July 2016.
(228, The Wine Advocate, 31st Dec 2016)
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