Tenuta di Trinoro Bianco di Trinoro テヌータ・ディ・トリノーロ ビアンコ・ディ・トリノーロ 生産地:イタリア トスカーナ 原産地呼称:Toscana IGT ぶどう品種:セミヨン 100% 味わい:白ワイン 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:93 ポイント Rating 93 Release Price $65 Drink Date 2021 - 2030 Reviewed by Monica LarnerIssue Date 8th Oct 2021 Source October 2021 Week 1, The Wine Advocate Only in its third year, this Semillon-based white is a relatively new experiment for a vintner who has made important strides in modern Italian red wine. The Tenuta di Trinoro 2019 Bianco di Trinoro is beautifully smooth and silky rich in texture. The intensity of the mouthfeel gives momentum and a lasting flavor profile. Orchard fruit, pear, apricot and fleshy apple segue to a mild point of mineral or crushed stone. The fruit is harvested from one of the estate's highest plots (at 630 meters in altitude) with sandy soils. Production is only 2,446 bottles.
"Tenuta di Trinoro is a vast mosaic of soil types," says proprietor Andrea Franchetti, who lives in a rustic farmhouse overlooking the vines. The high-density vines are over 20 years old and their root systems are fully developed. The estate counts 23 hectares of vines between 400 and 620 meters in altitude. Cabernet Franc and Merlot are the heart of the estate, and there are smaller plots of Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot as well. High-density planting, fruit selection in the vineyard, low yields, full phenolic ripeness and concentration give these wines a unique and unmistakable personality, Franchetti explains: "The wines are extreme in their perfumes, color and taste. They can be enjoyed in the near term but are also built for long aging."
醸造・熟成:醗酵:ステンレスタンク 熟成:ガラス容器(50L)とセメントタンク熟成約12カ月
Tenuta di Trinoro Bianco di Trinoro
テヌータ・ディ・トリノーロ ビアンコ・ディ・トリノーロ
生産地:イタリア トスカーナ
原産地呼称:Toscana IGT
ぶどう品種:セミヨン 100%
味わい:白ワイン 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:93 ポイント
Rating 93 Release Price $65 Drink Date 2021 - 2030 Reviewed by Monica LarnerIssue Date 8th Oct 2021 Source October 2021 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
Only in its third year, this Semillon-based white is a relatively new experiment for a vintner who has made important strides in modern Italian red wine. The Tenuta di Trinoro 2019 Bianco di Trinoro is beautifully smooth and silky rich in texture. The intensity of the mouthfeel gives momentum and a lasting flavor profile. Orchard fruit, pear, apricot and fleshy apple segue to a mild point of mineral or crushed stone. The fruit is harvested from one of the estate's highest plots (at 630 meters in altitude) with sandy soils. Production is only 2,446 bottles.
"Tenuta di Trinoro is a vast mosaic of soil types," says proprietor Andrea Franchetti, who lives in a rustic farmhouse overlooking the vines. The high-density vines are over 20 years old and their root systems are fully developed. The estate counts 23 hectares of vines between 400 and 620 meters in altitude. Cabernet Franc and Merlot are the heart of the estate, and there are smaller plots of Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot as well. High-density planting, fruit selection in the vineyard, low yields, full phenolic ripeness and concentration give these wines a unique and unmistakable personality, Franchetti explains: "The wines are extreme in their perfumes, color and taste. They can be enjoyed in the near term but are also built for long aging."
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