ヴィノス: 97+点 予想される飲み頃:2024 - 2035 (13.7% alcohol): Pale yellow. Profound aromas of lemon, lime and crushed rock. Ineffably silky on entry, then tightly coiled and pungently mineral in the middle palate, conveying an impression of great density without weight. No sign of hot-vintage character here! The endless crushed-rock finish conveys a powerful sense of solidity and the structure of a red wine. Raphael Coche likes this best among his 2015s for its balance but will probably hold it back for a much later release. He noted that the family's 2010 Corton-Charlemagne will be released in September, adding that the 2015 version is totally different in style but close in quality. (Vinous, Sep 2017)
Coche Dury
Corton Charlemagne
予想される飲み頃:2024 - 2035
(13.7% alcohol): Pale yellow. Profound aromas of lemon, lime and crushed rock. Ineffably silky on entry, then tightly coiled and pungently mineral in the middle palate, conveying an impression of great density without weight. No sign of hot-vintage character here! The endless crushed-rock finish conveys a powerful sense of solidity and the structure of a red wine. Raphael Coche likes this best among his 2015s for its balance but will probably hold it back for a much later release. He noted that the family's 2010 Corton-Charlemagne will be released in September, adding that the 2015 version is totally different in style but close in quality.
(Vinous, Sep 2017)
コシュ デュリ
Coche Dury
ジャン・フランソワの慎重で厳格な管理のもと、6つのアペラシオン(ムルソー、ピュリニー・モンラッシェ、オクセー デュレス、モンテリー、ヴォルネイ)に広がる9haの極小区画の畑で、世界的に有名なワインが造られるようになったのです。
コシュ デュリ一覧へ
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