激安人気新品ルイ ジャド シュヴァリエ モンラッシェ レ ドゥモワゼル グラン クリュ 2011 Louis Jadot Chevalier Montrachet Les Demoiselles フランス ブルゴーニュ 白ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
ルイ ジャド Louis Jadot
シュヴァリエ モンラッシェ レ ドゥモワゼル Chevalier Montrachet Les Demoiselles
パーカーポイント: 93点 予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2036 Tasted blind at the Burgundy 2011 horizontal tasting in Beaune. The Chevalier-Montrachet les Demoiselle 2011 has quite a lot of prominent new oak on the nose that is rather detracting from the delineation at the moment. It seems to have just gone into its shell since I last tasted it. However, the palate is appealingly balanced and smooth. Yes, it seems a little commercial at first but then it gains depth and intensity with aeration, the minerality, its stony heart, beginning to become more pronounced, especially on the finish. I do not think it possesses the harmony and focus of the 2012, but it is still an impressive Grand Cru. (Special Interim Issue Report, The Wine Advocate 30th Nov 2014)
Louis Jadot
Chevalier Montrachet Les Demoiselles
予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2036
Tasted blind at the Burgundy 2011 horizontal tasting in Beaune. The Chevalier-Montrachet les Demoiselle 2011 has quite a lot of prominent new oak on the nose that is rather detracting from the delineation at the moment. It seems to have just gone into its shell since I last tasted it. However, the palate is appealingly balanced and smooth. Yes, it seems a little commercial at first but then it gains depth and intensity with aeration, the minerality, its stony heart, beginning to become more pronounced, especially on the finish. I do not think it possesses the harmony and focus of the 2012, but it is still an impressive Grand Cru.
(Special Interim Issue Report, The Wine Advocate 30th Nov 2014)
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