≪パーカーポイント 93‐95点≫ 2015 Domaine Sylvain Cathiard Nuits Saint-Georges 1er Cru Aux Murgers Rating :(93 - 95) Drink Date :2020 - 2040 Reviewed by :Neal Martin Issue Date:31st Dec 2016 Source :228, The Wine Advocate The 2015 Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru Aux Murgers has a more expressivebouquet than the Aux Thorey, essentially demonstrating more Pinote andterroir expression. The palate is showing a little more oakiness at themoment, although there is sufficient fruit to soak that up in time. Thereis good depth here, a suppleness to the texture with candied orange peeland a touch of cassis towards the caressing finish. Whilst the Aux Thoreyis more immediately pleasurable, the Aux Murgers conveys the propitiousmanner of this vineyard, and has greater long-term potential.
Richebourg Méo-Camuzet 2004 / リシュブール メオ カミュゼ 2004|Fine and Rare
≪パーカーポイント 93‐95点≫
2015 Domaine Sylvain Cathiard Nuits Saint-Georges 1er Cru Aux Murgers
Rating :(93 - 95)
Drink Date :2020 - 2040
Reviewed by :Neal Martin
Issue Date:31st Dec 2016
Source :228, The Wine Advocate
The 2015 Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru Aux Murgers has a more expressivebouquet than the Aux Thorey, essentially demonstrating more Pinote andterroir expression. The palate is showing a little more oakiness at themoment, although there is sufficient fruit to soak that up in time. Thereis good depth here, a suppleness to the texture with candied orange peeland a touch of cassis towards the caressing finish. Whilst the Aux Thoreyis more immediately pleasurable, the Aux Murgers conveys the propitiousmanner of this vineyard, and has greater long-term potential.
Richebourg Méo-Camuzet 2004 / リシュブール メオ カミュゼ 2004|Fine and Rare
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