ワインアドヴォケイト:95 ポイント Rating 95 Release Price $90 Drink Date NA Reviewed by Robert M. Parker, Jr. Issue Date 28th Feb 2011 Source 193, The Wine Advocate Not surprisingly, the 2008 Chardonnay Kistler Vineyard Cuvee Cathleen possesses attractive notes of tropical fruits, brioche, hazelnuts, honeysuckle and that unbuttered popcorn and steely minerality found in many of its siblings. Full-bodied with layers of fruit as well as a terrific finish, this is a young, backward but extremely promising effort. Not only have the 2008s lived up to or exceeded their potential from last year’s barrel tastings, the 2009s appear to be fabulous as well. Of course, 2008 was a much more challenging vintage and 2009 was a cool year, much like 2005, with slightly lower alcohols and higher yields than the short crop of 2008. All of the 2009 Chardonnays finished with around 14+% alcohol levels and had more minerality than usual. Kistler’s bottled 2008s were all concentrated. The 2008 Chardonnays have the potential to last even longer than the 2009s given the fact that they are even more concentrated than those wines.
“Y” du Chateau d’ Yquem 1978 / イグレック デュ シャトー ディケム 1978|Fine and Rare
「カリフォルニア シャルドネの王」と言われるキスラー。
Kistler Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay Kistler Vineyard
キスラー キュヴェ・キャスリーン シャルドネ キスラー・ヴィンヤード
生産地:アメリカ カリフォルニア ノース・コースト ソノマ
ぶどう品種:シャルドネ 100%
味わい:白ワイン 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:95 ポイント
Rating 95 Release Price $90 Drink Date NA Reviewed by Robert M. Parker, Jr. Issue Date 28th Feb 2011 Source 193, The Wine Advocate
Not surprisingly, the 2008 Chardonnay Kistler Vineyard Cuvee Cathleen possesses attractive notes of tropical fruits, brioche, hazelnuts, honeysuckle and that unbuttered popcorn and steely minerality found in many of its siblings. Full-bodied with layers of fruit as well as a terrific finish, this is a young, backward but extremely promising effort.
Not only have the 2008s lived up to or exceeded their potential from last year’s barrel tastings, the 2009s appear to be fabulous as well. Of course, 2008 was a much more challenging vintage and 2009 was a cool year, much like 2005, with slightly lower alcohols and higher yields than the short crop of 2008. All of the 2009 Chardonnays finished with around 14+% alcohol levels and had more minerality than usual. Kistler’s bottled 2008s were all concentrated. The 2008 Chardonnays have the potential to last even longer than the 2009s given the fact that they are even more concentrated than those wines.
“Y” du Chateau d’ Yquem 1978 / イグレック デュ シャトー ディケム 1978|Fine and Rare
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