シャトーヌフ・デュ・パプ クロ・デ・パプ・ブラン Chateauneuf-du-Pape Clos des Papes Blanc
パーカーポイント:95点 予想される飲み頃:2015-2025
A vintage that Avril is selling to restaurants as he thinks it's drinking beautifully (and I agree), the 2005 Chateauneuf du Pape Blanc has superb freshness and minerality in its honeyed, hazelnut, licorice and stone fruit-driven bouquet. Layered, pure and balanced, with both freshness and richness, it will continue to evolve nicely, but there's no need to hold off. (Special Report (Sep 2015), The Wine Advocate 14th Sep 2015)
Clos des Papes
Chateauneuf-du-Pape Clos des Papes Blanc
A vintage that Avril is selling to restaurants as he thinks it's drinking beautifully (and I agree), the 2005 Chateauneuf du Pape Blanc has superb freshness and minerality in its honeyed, hazelnut, licorice and stone fruit-driven bouquet. Layered, pure and balanced, with both freshness and richness, it will continue to evolve nicely, but there's no need to hold off.
(Special Report (Sep 2015), The Wine Advocate 14th Sep 2015)
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