高級ヴァンサン ドーヴィサ シャブリ レ クロ グラン クリュ 2007 Vincent Dauvissat Chablis Les Clos フランス ブルゴーニュ 白ワイン 新入荷[のこり1本]|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
ヴァンサン ドーヴィサ Vincent Dauvissat
シャブリ レ クロ Chablis Les Clos
パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:N/A Like this year’s La Forest, Dauvissat’s 2007 Chablis Les Clos seems palpably stony and chalky, yet boasts considerable gloss. It also displays a mollusk broth like dimension, here allied to sense of weight and sheer extract that none of the premier crus in this collection can claim. Hints of lanolin and vanilla make one aware of the barrel presence, and a toasted nut element helps lend a sense of richness as well as piquancy to what is otherwise a decidedly mineral-dominated as well as formidably long finish. It’s hard to imagine this (by Dauvissat’s own admission) massively dense wine ever achieving the elegance or mystery of the La Forest - let’s see in a few years - but as an expression of Kimmeridgian essence, it’s quite an achievement, and one sure to merit a dozen or more years’ attention. (The Wine Advocate, Dec 22, 2009)
Vincent Dauvissat
Chablis Les Clos
Like this year’s La Forest, Dauvissat’s 2007 Chablis Les Clos seems palpably stony and chalky, yet boasts considerable gloss. It also displays a mollusk broth like dimension, here allied to sense of weight and sheer extract that none of the premier crus in this collection can claim. Hints of lanolin and vanilla make one aware of the barrel presence, and a toasted nut element helps lend a sense of richness as well as piquancy to what is otherwise a decidedly mineral-dominated as well as formidably long finish. It’s hard to imagine this (by Dauvissat’s own admission) massively dense wine ever achieving the elegance or mystery of the La Forest - let’s see in a few years - but as an expression of Kimmeridgian essence, it’s quite an achievement, and one sure to merit a dozen or more years’ attention.
(The Wine Advocate, Dec 22, 2009)
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