パーカーポイント: 88点 予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2018 Slightly deeper in color than the 2006, the 2003 Meursault Villages has a simple but attractive bouquet of honeydew melon, beeswax and wild heather honey, later developing a popcorn scent with aeration. The palate has Meursault leitmotifs of walnut and hazelnut on the entry, but then the second half is quite orthodox and a slightly bitter, sour lemon finish. Possibly running out of puff? (The Wine Advocate, Oct 31, 2014)
Coche Dury
予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2018
Slightly deeper in color than the 2006, the 2003 Meursault Villages has a simple but attractive bouquet of honeydew melon, beeswax and wild heather honey, later developing a popcorn scent with aeration. The palate has Meursault leitmotifs of walnut and hazelnut on the entry, but then the second half is quite orthodox and a slightly bitter, sour lemon finish. Possibly running out of puff?
(The Wine Advocate, Oct 31, 2014)
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